Posts tagged with "Life Events"
February 15, 2024
In the Akashic Records we are able to learn some very important details about who we are on a soul level, what our intuitive gifts are, which soul gifts we have been given in this lifetime, and so much more.
One of the most important aspects we can look into are the Life Lessons we have chosen in this lifetime.
Let’s dive into that a little further…
June 15, 2022
One of the scariest things that new (and even seasoned) psychics have to face is the moment they tell other people about their gifts; especially when first starting out.
We deal with ridicule, judgment, and those who think what we do is complete bull. On a positive note, we can also receive encouragement, support, and love as we go on our journey of light work and healing.
It’s not always easy, but is (in my opinion) worth it.
June 13, 2022
As healers, dealing with the day-to-day can be particularly challenging. We, as humans, already navigate a lot in life. We deal with physicality, sexuality, politics, finances, emotions, and more. This level of complexity bonds us as the human race, and it isn’t easy.
When one is a healer, it can sometimes feel that the common issues people deal with are intensified tenfold.
We are not only trying to work on our own lives but also tend to take on other people’s challenges...
May 11, 2022
Grief can be one of the hardest things that we, as humans, have to deal with. After all, emotions are a human trait, and grief seems to be the “king daddy” of them all. It comes in waves, has many facets, and affects everyone differently.
What if there was a way to know that in times of sadness and helplessness, we can have evidence, or proof, that even though our loved ones have left the physical plane, they are still very much with us and can give us signs?
March 10, 2020
When a loved one dies, things can be incredibly chaotic; especially when the death was unexpected. There are people to tell, arrangements to be made, accounts to be closed, questions to be answered and more.
Wouldn’t it be nice if our loved one could reach out to us from the other side and help out with some of that stuff? It’s hard enough when dealing with the details, let alone while experiencing shock, pain, and deep; all-consuming grief.
The truth is, our loved ones can help us…some
February 01, 2018
I admit it. I am pretty stubborn. I am the type of person who doesn’t like to be told what to do and can get a little salty when someone tries.
It’s probably a good thing that I work for myself, right?
Anyway, when I started connecting with my Spirit Guides, I was under the impression that I had to follow their advice. I mean, I knew I had free-will (as we all do) so I didn’t have to follow their advice, but I guess I figured I should since they knew better than I did.
This is sort of true...
January 15, 2018
Making changes to your current career is a big decision. Clients come to me on a regular basis asking things like,
“Should I take the promotion I have been offered at the cost of time with my partner and kids?”
“I am feeling really unfulfilled in what I am currently doing and I would like to do something that is in alignment with my soul’s purpose.”
“In the current position I am in, I feel like I have little chance for growth, should I look for another company to work for?”
October 01, 2017
That’s right, folks! You know that overbearing, critical, and judgmental woman that gave birth to you? Yeah, that one. Between lifetimes, you decided this is the lady you wanted to call Mom.
Now I know some of you are asking, “Why on Earth would I do that? My mother really is pretty awful” and others are asking, “I love my mom. She’s awesome. Why would someone choose a mom like that?”
Life lessons are the lessons we choose between lifetimes in order to...